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# Octocat Classifier :octopus: :cat: :mag:


! [ ] (https://img.shields.io/badge/build-passing-brightgreen) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/coverage-90%25-green) ![]


$ Point1 = Point::where('latitude' , $lat1)->where('longitude' , $long1)->first();


$ dist = sin(deg2rad($latitudeFrom)) * sin(deg2rad($latitudeTo)) + cos(deg2rad($latitudeFrom)) * cos(deg2rad($latitudeTo)) ;


return $this->apiResponse(BestPointsResource::collection($res), ApiController::STATUS_OK, 'points have been retrieved successfully');


# Octocat Classifier :octopus: :cat: :mag:
return $this->apiResponse(BestPointsResource::collection($res), ApiController::STATUS_OK, 'points have been retrieved successfully');
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CMS Platform

Content management platforms give you the ability to reach solutions for your project in an unimaginable way, this is what you can imagine from the third most used platform in web development.The solutions are distributed between online stores, payment gateways, blogs, and many other websites, with a great ability to customize on-demand, all this and more thanks to our developers who specialize in developing content management platforms sites.


A good website interface design requires a lot of experience in understanding the user's needs from the moment he enters the site and navigates between its pages.It's all possible thanks to our experts in developing UI/UX interfaces for websites, great interfaces, and big projects that we were able to get the most out of.

Ready to customize your project .